Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day One in Photo's

For some reason, they uploaded in reverse order, but enjoy some photo's of everyone making it happen for the kingdom. Great start!



  1. chicago 09 team,
    you guys rock, no other way to put it. consider the days you have on this misssion trip as a blessing, and use them well. give every drop of sweat you have and never back down. you guys are making a HUGE influence on these people around you.
    also, i want to thank each and every leader of this team (especially koutz). you guys went above and beyond what was needed and created this great experince for these middle schoolers.
    -grant marzke

  2. Way to go you guys. i know how hot it was and not one of you looks beat by the heat. In fact you make it look like it's about 75 with a cool breeze. Service with a smile!!!!
    leslie petersen

  3. Good morning! You are making an impact on some pretty cool kids. Have a good day today and we'll be praying for you. ~ The Foshaugs (A2E2H)
